The Gift
By Liah Howard






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We have all been given the gift of intuition but how many of us actually use it to enhance the quality of our lives? Intuition is as natural - and taken for granted - as walking. Just as we can bring intention to "power walking" or "Zen walking", we can also bring intention to intuitive guidance and cultivate a more purposeful life.

In general, people base their decisions and actions on logic and habit, rather than the deep urgings of their intuitive selves. When a person learns to listen internally, she is able to manifest her unique gifts with clarity of purpose. Artists, healers, and teachers often speak of stepping aside to allow an energy to pass through them and manifest in their work. This is the magic that happens when we tune in to our inner voice.

Although psychic ability is our gift from birth, most of us cut it off and have to relearn how to use it. Fears from childhood or negative paranormal experiences may color our view of this gift and its usefulness. However, the benefits of learning this skill are immense.

Our intuitive knowing is our purest sense of inner power and connection. We become solid in ourselves and in the world as we trust the "still small voice within", and make choices based on the wisdom of our heart rather than using the logic of our heads alone. We each have the essence of an alive and intuitive inner child within us whose heart is untainted by biases and beliefs that may limit us. Our deepest intuitive knowing comes from our connection to this relaxed, playful, and magical child within. We can enhance this innate psychic acuity by learning specific practices.

Developing our intuitive ability is similar to mastering any art or craft. It takes practice, concentration, and discipline, and it is extremely helpful to have a teacher to guide you. He can give you tools to help move beyond the ego's grasp, learning to see from the Divine Higher Self. One of the tools that I highly recommend is daily meditation. It helps one quiet the mind and go deeper inside. I have been teaching Psychic Development for 20 years and I have witnessed incredible transformation in those who are truly ready to open to their deepest inner natures. There is a sense of grace that unfolds in life when an individual puts connection to her spirit first.

As we reconnect with our intuitive nature, we recapture some of our innocence and childlike wonder. We begin to trust life more and feel more hopeful. We are able to live a life with more purpose and direction. There is a growing sense of effortless flow, serendipitous meetings, and a profound satisfaction. Our emotions and bodies are constantly giving us signals if we are on the right path or not. We can learn to read these messages and take guided action in our lives. It is never too late to investigate more deeply into our intuitive nature.

Liah Howard
P.O. Box 682
Kihei, HI  96753
(808) 269-3137
EMAIL: � 2007 Liah Howard  - All Rights Reserved